Why should you use Instagram reels more often?

Instagram reels are the newest trend in Instagram marketing. However, Instagram reels aren’t just some marketing gimmick. They’re part of a bigger picture that can help you gain more followers and build a stronger relationship with your existing audience.  If you’re not using Instagram Reels yet, you’re missing out on a key tool for growing […]

4 ways you  can use social media to promote mental health

Mental health is an issue that is often overlooked and ignored. Highlighting the issue and celebrating positive mental health can help to reduce the stigma associated with mental health in today’s society. This blog highlights four ways to use social media to promote positive mental health. There are many ways that you can use social […]

5 out of the box social media campaigns that blew the internet.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to social media campaigns, and sometimes the most unexpected ones can be the most successful. Here are five out-of-the-box social media campaigns that blew the internet: The #nomakeupselfie In March 2014, cancer charity Cancer Research the UK launched the #nomakeupselfie campaign, which encouraged women to post pictures of […]