The ever-evolving world of Instagram is hard to catch up with but that’s where we step in and give you all the important updates you require.
Recently, Instagram introduced a new feature that allows users to post up to 5 links in their bio. This update opens up new opportunities for influencers and businesses to promote their content and increase engagement.
This new feature is especially beneficial for influencers and businesses who use Instagram for marketing purposes. By including links to their website, social media profiles, affiliate partners, and free resources, influencers can now provide their audience with more opportunities to engage with their content and monetize their accounts.

The next question is, what are the five links that you should add in your bio to attract more brand deals and engagement?
Keep reading to find out.

  1. Your Website’s Link

As an influencer, your website is your online home. It’s where you showcase your brand and your work. It is where potential clients and brands can learn more about you, your services, and your past work. So, it’s essential to have a link to your website in your Instagram bio. With the new feature, you can now add additional links, such as links to specific pages on your website.

  1. Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for influencers to monetize their Instagram accounts. If you’re promoting products or services as an affiliate, you can now include links to your affiliate partners in your Instagram bio. This will make it easier for your followers to access the products you’re promoting, and it can also help you earn more commissions.

  1. Social Media Links

While Instagram is a popular platform, it’s not the only one. As an influencer, you should have a presence on other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. By including links to your other social media profiles in your Instagram bio, you can expand your reach and connect with your audience on other platforms.

  1. Freebies or Downloads

Offering freebies or downloads to your followers is an excellent way to increase engagement and build your email list. By adding a link to a free resource or a download in your Instagram bio, you can encourage your followers to engage with your content and sign up for your email list.

  1. Charitable Causes or Donations:

    If you’re involved in charitable work or support a particular cause, include a link where users can learn more or make donations. This allows your followers to contribute to causes they care about, which can enhance your brand’s social impact and engagement.

In conclusion, the new Instagram feature that allows users to post up to 5 links in their bio is a game-changer for influencers and businesses. By including links to your website, affiliate links, social media links, freebies or downloads, and contact information, you can optimise your Instagram profile and boost engagement on the platform. Keep in mind that Instagram is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to keep up with the latest social media trends and best practices to grow your account and stay ahead of the competition.